Monday, June 19, 2006

That wonderful thing called Marriage!!!

I have started advising marriage to all my single friends... Almost everyone who is single will be told by their married friends to "make hay while their sun shines"... esp. guys. That is because one looks at marriage as a loss of freedom. But why?!?! Consider it as a different way of life...

Marriage does come with untold expectations and responsibilities. Only people who have the maturity to face life as it comes should step into the world of marriage. Marriage is not for escapists. It is for people who are willing to face situations and take decisions. It is for people willing to compromise with a happy heart for the one they love.

But, very often we become hypocrites without realising so. We expect how we should be treated in marriage.But we forget to cross-check if we are treating our spouses the same way. Often it is the most trivial of things that will affect our happiness in marriage. All we have to do is to realise when things are going wrong and decide to make amends for it.

Life is fun when you share it with someone... You live your life, achieve great heights professionally, go through a lotta experiences... but what is the point if you dont have anyone to share it with?!? As they said in a movie, "We need a witness to our lives... and that is why we need marriage..."


Anonymous said...

Good one Jocelyn.But, How will one know what is the right time for a marraige? I would appreciate if you could write down what u miss because of marraige.Does'nt have to be a bane cause to gain something u loose something and thats perfectly natural.

I am not against marraige but u have to accept life is about tradeoff.Good blogging.Since u have been on both the sides of life(Single once and married now), it will just be perfect if it comes from someone like u.

knottygal said...

Thanks Sreeram for your comments.. Marriage could be a trade-off or a it could be a perfect balance of both the worlds, your single and your married ones. As I always say, no two relationships in this world are similar. One can never draw a conclusion looking at other people's married lives. Jus because someone had a bad marriage doesnt mean you will have one. It is a GAMBLE!! It depends on the hand dealt and how you play the game...

Anonymous said...

I am not serious at blogging but I have a feeling that most girls are similar in nature.They expect too many things from friends/loved ones, think complex, make things difficult for themselves and get dissapointed.
I am not a MCP.I admit there are bad qualities in men too.But,I have never met a girl who is straight-forward, cool headed and easy to get along.Is there something wrong with me that makes them behave that way or are most gals like that? Why dont u publish an article on this.Will be a good read.

knottygal said...

Men and women are two different people and you have to accept the difference.wats de point if you want a girl to be jus like a guy?!The joy is in finding a person of the oposite sex with whom you are willing to live the madness!!

It may seem like an ironic thing to enjoy the madness, but you have to let urself open to the idea of a complex person in the form of a girl.