Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Million dollar question!!

Almost every other guy I come across nowadays is a jerk...It disappoints me to know that the rare breed of fine gentlemen is dwindling...I hope it doesnt reach the point of extinction. Some guys aren't jus made for any relationships, I feel. People dont know what to do next in a relationship. They really dont know how to take a relationship into the next level.

But, the thing is, if the person is really planning his/her next move, then he/she ceases to be themselves and become a pretence of a nice person. In that case, I prefer a jerk.. atleast, I can find out wat they really are and stay away from them. They are natural... ;-)

Someone had asked me earlier as to why women are such complex beings?? Now, I have a question.. why men are such jerks?! I guess no one will know why... :-(


Vinay said...

im curious, were ya able to answer the koshun posed at ya?
"why women are such complex beings??"

generalisation and throwing koshuns isint the best way to get answers. so when you point that question in one direction and ask, then ull get the answer.

there is an interesting concept called "self discovery". to know more u can start off here

the crux is that everybody is not like ya, each is a combination of qualities (16 to be exact according to Carl Jung) in different proportions and preferances and that which cud be different from urs.

once u reasise that, your million dollar question will be answered.

more after a few rounds of liquid ;D

knottygal said...


yeah..thats wat I have said.. no one will know the answers to either of the qns. it was a frustrated post written after being disappointed by yet another jerk yet another time...

yeah.. there are alwez exceptions,vinay.. like you... [;)]

dint understand this though:

"so when you point that question in one direction and ask, then ull get the answer."

you asking me to ask the jerk as to why he is one?!? am not gonna do dat..

Vinay said...

ha ha.
what i meant was, when you direct that question to that person/jerk instead of the gendralised lot, u are more likely to get the answer. not necessarily u shud ask the same person, ask others, more importantly ask urself.

When u know yourself better, ull be able to answer the question coz u will realise that the personality mismatch was the reason for the behavior whatsoever it might be.

i can go on and on reg this, but not now and not here ;D

ps: btw im no exception. in ur perspective i might be. cud be different for another :D

knottygal said...

yeah true.. a person cud be a gem of a person thru someone's perspective and cud be a jerk thru mine.. ;-)

I also feel that it is the opportunity that makes a person behave like a jerk... given an opportunity, anyone can be a jerk... wat say?!?

Vinay said...

then why give the opportunity... lol

knottygal said...

oh c'mon... opportunities make a relationship.. dats how you gauge a person if he or she is a jerk or not... a gentle man is a person who stays one,given an opportunity to be a jerk..

I wont give up on a person without giving them a chance.. its not fair.. :-) but, I am kinda wary of any new person I meet..cant and dont have to trust anyone and everyone.. take sometime to decide if I want them in my life or not.. ;-)

P.S: thanks,Vinay for ur patience in discussing this topic..

Vinay said...

the pleasure was all mine :)