The award for the Funniest Politician of the day goes to the present Union Home Minister of India, Mr.Shivraj Patil.

His achievements:
He has achieved the state of "nirvana" where nothing matters to him, even the peace and health of the nation!
His best political statement:
"It (information) was available with us in Delhi. But what was not available was the timing, the place and the method to be used for the purpose,"
In an exclusive interview to CNN-IBN, Patil claimed that the information was not actionable since it didn’t provide specifics on when and where the attacks would take place.
Oh!C'mon,Mr.Patil!! If we had the information you are talking about, don't you think even the meekest would've prevented the bomb blasts?!? Do you expect the extremists to give you the information to you before they go and make it happen?! Why are you still in power?!
he has a nice pair of glasses... we should do some work on his mush but! what say?
you got photoshop?!?
how bout some vadivelu-styling for his mush!? ;-)
haha.. yes i have.. and i am just grading up from beginner level to amateur category in photoshop.. so even an ordinary mush drawn by would end up like vadivel's mush... who knows it myte even cause gender trouble to the mr.Shiv Patil
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