I am flabbergasted by this political family - the Thackerays! They dont have anything better to do than instigate like-minded idiots to fight for something as flimsy as regional sentiment! When the entire world is warming up to the concept of a Global Village, these losers want to restrict their State to the natives. It is a known fact that the ancient civilizations flourished because of the trade-ties they had with different countries with varied cultures. How can they expect their State to prosper if they dont want to be nice to immigrants from other states?They think that they are doing good to Maharashtra! If you dont know who I am talking about, try a google search on Bal Thackeray and
Raj Thackeray!
Who appointed them as the guards of the Marathi culture? If they are so consumed with their culture, they should be wearing langoti instead of shirt and pants like their ancestors did. It amuses me how an entire family can be schizophrenic. They live in a parallel world where only Marathis can live. They have been hounding celebrities from other state who did the only mistake of making Maharashtra their home.
I want to know what is their criteria for living in Maharashtra?! Isn't it enough to be a human being to live in Maharashtra? I want to know what is so special about the Marathis and their culture that the immigrants are polluting it.I want the Thackerays to give reason why we should believe that immigrants aren't worth living in their state. Will they take it lying down if all the Marathi immigrants in other states are plundered and lynched just because they chose to live in a foreign state?
Maybe someone should give the same treatment to the Marathis that the Thackerays are doling out to innocent immigrants in Maharashtra.Do you think they(The Thackerays) would care if a Marathi is dying in any other state? These are people who are drunk on their power and autocracy, who want to prove themselves that they are above the law. But, they are also heartless people who instigate the ignorant and the idiotic to fight for their own irrational beliefs.(I am sure they hypnotize their followers!). In the end, what do they have got to lose?! They are never the people who directly involve in violence. No stone ever gets pelted at them.No bullets get fired at them. It is their crazy followers who fight it out for what their leader irrationally believes in.
As long as there are idiots to follow these sociopathic leaders, these kind of violence will go on.. these kind of beliefs will be rooted in our country! God save Maharashtra! God save India!!