Friday, December 16, 2005

Trying to cheer myself up..

I have been a bit moody these few days and I want to cheer myself up... Have been binging on chocolate like there is no tomorrow. Wat is it with this chocolate and mood-swings?!?!

Let me divert myself from my mood...

How does it feel to be a tech-illiterate in this tech-savvy world?!?! Do you feel handicapped?!?! Can you do without Email and Telephone for a day?? Maybe a day or two.. but No!! not more than that... Not for people who have been growing with a good dose of technology... But YES!! yes for people who never felt the need of technology to a humungous extent.

My Mom and Dad are in their fifties and neither of them have an email account. Neither of them know how to go about a computer. And their line of work doesnt expect them to know comupters either. I call these people survivors, when every damn field of work is being invaded by computers.

There was a news article on a plan to digitize every thing on paper. Nothing beats the feel of curling up with your favourite book in your cosy bed. Can you snuggle with your PC or your Notebook?? NO!! I have so many e-books in my PC but I havent yet opened a single one of 'em. Nothing like the feel of writing a hand-written letter and receiving one... An e-mail, how much ever personal and intimate it might be, doesnt give the same feel as a snail-mail...

One doesnt have to travel back in time to keep the older means and medium of communication intact. One can find a balance between the older and modern medium of communication. So, go out and write a snail-mail to your beloved... put your thoughts in pen and paper... buy your all-time favourite book and settle down with a cuppa in your cosy couch and get lost in time...

Till then...

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