Sunday, April 13, 2008

Taming the chicken!

I am down with chicken-pox!! It sucks to be sick wen you have a kid of your own.It sucks to be quarantined from your own baby for almost a month.I have no idea how I will survive this.. I am sure Alvin will forget who I am. Damn the insecurities!!

I think by far the chicken-pox is the worst infection I have ever got.It is just the first few days which is tough to get through.Once the fever-phase is over, you will be up and about. But with all this liquid diet, I must have lost a few pounds.. That must be the only good thing about this disease.


Anonymous said...

you had chicken pox? rememba seeing you in church a couple of weeks back.. alright now!!!

knottygal said...

yeah..was in church afer I recovered.. now, back to hyd..