I have a few questions that I would like to ask Pramod Muthalik and his SRS.. Who gave him and the SRS the authority to attack innocent people? Is attacking women good culture? When the entire world in moving into a futuristic world, he wants Indians to go back in time and live like animals as we used to. A tradition is not a written rule to be followed. Its an evolving potpourri of culture and society that moves ahead with time! If we were to follow the traditions that once were being followed in this country, then women from certain castes wouldn't be wearing clothes above their waist and widows will be burnt along with their husband's funeral pyre! That backward were our traditions!
Men like Pramod Muthalik and Raj Thackeray are cowards who can show their might only against the "weaker sex"(I dont like this terminology!!)as they call us! They can only mobilize the illiterate and drunkards towards the cause of moral-policing! Find one educated person in his right mind supporting their cause. You won't! Where was Raj Thackeray when the Mumbai Attacks were going on?! He was too scared to step out of his home.Where was his Uncle Bal Thackeray at that time? All these men are spineless cowards who satisfy their hunger for domination by oppressing women and quench their thirst for power by ruling over the illiterates and hooligans! Cos, they can only show their might among their likes! They are scared that the women in their communities won't give a damn about the men if they also go the 'forward" way like the pub-going women..
Pramod Muthalik and his men have now threatened that if they see any couple(a guy and a gal) being together and holding hands on Valentine's Day , they will either take the couple to the nearest Police Station and get them married or make the girl tie a rakhi to the boy and make them brothers and sisters!Wat crap?! Instead, if all the hooligans spend their energy in cleaning up our metros or regulating traffic, our cities will be better places to live in.
They(Pramid Muthalik, the Thackerays and their Senas) have achieved what they are after. If they have made me blog about their activities, they have achieved their most important goal! Fifteen minutes of fame! But,they have also started a movement among the educated youth.. a campaign against these SOBs that the Youngistan of India will not take these kind of crap lying down! I totally support the Pink Chaddi Campaign . We need more campaigns like this in this developing yet mentally-backward country.
One motto will save this country: Live and let live! We have enough troubles with our neighboring nations! We dont need such moral police to create tensions within! Let us live and let live! So, if you guys leave me, I have to go rummage my closet. I have a donation to make! ;-)